Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shine Brighter

Here’s an exercise for you: In a room without windows, open the door and turn on every light in the room and then measure the radius of light that one of the lights appears to be giving off. Next, close the door and turn off every light except the one light that you measured. Now measure again the radius of light that one light appears to be giving off. See the difference? A single light appears so much brighter and is much more evident when there is more darkness surrounding it. How can this simple observation apply to our lives, and specifically our lives as Christians? We are called to be a light to the world and to witness to those who live in darkness. Missionaries have been sent all to most of the world and in many places Christian influences can be found, but we are called to continue reaching and expanding even into the dark areas. It is good to build and strengthen churches that already exist, but our light will seem brighter and have a more noticeable difference in a place where only darkness exists. I believe that we as Christians are called to reach those places in complete darkness before spending our focus on existing Christian communities and churches. It is our duty to ensure that every area of the globe has at been touched by light and then strengthen the not as bright areas until the world is growing in unison and praising God together.

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